Gallery Alliance

Theo's style is figurative. Paintings of the relationship between men and animals. Women and animals are often the subject of his paintings. It is then the combination of man and animal that evokes an atmosphere of surrealism, magic realism or symbolism.

Waiting 39 x 39 inch SOLD

Way out 31 x 31 inch IN STOCK

Summer-Blue 100 x 100 cm

Summer blue 39 x 39 inch IN STOCK

On their way 35 x 35 inch SOLD

Uncertain light 47 x 47 inch SOLD

Misty 39 x 39 inch SOLD

Out for a walk 39 x 39 inch SOLD

Focus 47 x 47 inch IN STOCK

Monday Morning

Monday morning 39 x 39 inch IN STOCK

Falling leaves 39 x 39 inch IN STOCK

The two of us

The two of us 39 x 39 inch SOLD

walking the secretary bird

Walking the secretary bird 39 x 39 inch SOLD

The color red 39 x 39 inch IN STOCK

Dimanche 10h14

Dimanche 10h14 31 x 31 inch SOLD

vrouw connectie met vogel

La fille et la fillette 39 x 39 inch IN STOCK

Le Message 39 x 39 inch SOLD

The definition of life 39 x 39 inch IN STOCK

Fragilité 39 x 39 inch SOLD

l'oiseau sacre

L' oiseau sacré 39 x 39 inch IN STOCK

Blue bird 39 x 39 inch IN STOCK

Duckling 2 39 x 39 inch IN STOCK

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